“Over the past few decades, the opening of China’s low-altitude economy has been gradually promoted, especially in the low-altitude area below 1 km,” Jin Liang, Chairman and CEO of Smart Drone, told us. “The magnitude of this economy is in the trillions of RMB and even tens of trillions.”
Founded in 2014, Shenzhen Smart Drone UAV Co., Ltd. is China’s leading industrial UAV solution provider. The vertical takeoff and landing fixed-wing UAV of the company is widely used in aviation logistics, especially in medical industry, emergency rescue, environmental protection, public security and other fields. The company has successively obtained investments from various well-known institutions.
Jin also pointed out that with the opening of the ShenZhong Link, the production and manufacturing costs for the high-tech enterprises in the GBA will be reduced, and the application scenarios will also be enriched.
编辑:胡慧茵 朱丽娜
出品:南方财经全媒体集团 国际传播中心
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